Aspic of young rabbit with Cooked Cranberries and Onion Confit


  • 1 young rabbit or 2 rabbit thighs
  • Fresh herbs (tarragon and chervil)
  • 3 gelatine sheets
  • Mesclun (lettuce & salad mixture)
  • Thyme, laurel, juniper berries and black pepper


  • Cook the rabbit thighs in a stock or bouillon (water, thyme, laurel, juniper berries, black pepper and salt) at low heat for 1 hour.
  • Roughly cut the herbs.
  • Remove the bones from the thighs and dice the chunks of rabbit.
  • Pass the stock through a chinois and add 3 gelatine sheets to 30 cl of stock.
  • Mount the sauce.
  • Mix the herbs and the rabbit and arrange the mixture in a mould, layer by layer.
  • Alternate between rabbit and cranberries and allow the stock to gellify by putting it in the fridge for a good hour.


  • Cut the aspic in slices and arrange them on a plate.
  • Add the onion confit and some toasts.